Hire the best Backend Developers in Latin America

Hire the best Backend developers in Latin America with nearshore staff augmentation to save money on development costs


What is Backend Development?

Every time you access a website, use an app, or log into a server, there is a common integral component behind the scenes: backend development. This type of software development is in charge of server-side development. It involves maintaining databases, backend logic, APIs, architecture, and servers to ensure that software applications – whether mobile or desktop – work as intended. It’s all about data storage, site security, and server-side functions that are not visible to the user – but are still 100% vital for the well-being of the application.

The Key Benefits Of Backend Development

Augmented scalability

Backend development helps to design and build systems with the capacity to handle larger amounts of data and site traffic. This allows companies to scale their application to manage a higher number of simultaneous users as they become more popular.

Improved user experience

The decision to hire backend developers can also have a significant impact on the quality of your application’s user experience, as backend development helps to optimize the invisible elements that can make or break a visitor’s site experience. Loading times, cookies, and database flow are all affected by and improved through backend updates.

Data efficiency

By optimizing the code and database structure, backend developers can improve the performance of the application, contributing to faster sharing of any in-app information and speeding up the login experience.

Higher application compatibility

When you hire backend developers, you’re enabling your application to be made compatible with a series of different platforms and servers. This allows your site to be deployed and run on a variety of environments, expanding its overall reach and internet presence.

Why Should You Hire Backend Developers?

As one of the most essential types of IT professionals out there, it shouldn’t be a matter of whether or not you hire backend developers. The question is how to best recruit them. Here are some of the key reasons why your company needs to have a backend developer on its team:


Serve-side expertise

When you hire backed developers, your company acquires the necessary skills and expertise to tackle backend design and technical coding. These IT professionals can help you solve any existing issues and improve the state of your applications.


Increased maintenance and support

Hiring backend developers grants you access to continuous maintenance and IT support when it comes to your existing applications. No more panicking if something goes wrong – now, you’ll have someone to troubleshoot.


Improved user-database connection

Backend developers help to power the web by facilitating the essential connections between application users and the databases that make up the internet and the information hubs of those sites. This is done through the databases, caches, servers, and APIs that provide the links.

The Advantages of Deciding to Hire Backend Developers through Blue Coding’s Nearshore Staff Augmentation Services

Reasonably priced development talent

Backend developer rates in Latin America are up to 40% cheaper than in the US and Canada.

An outsourced team that shares your work dynamic

Due to their close proximity to North America, our backend developers can work alongside your staff during normal business hours. Additionally, their corporate cultures and work ethics are virtually identical.

Hassle-free technical vetting

To guarantee that your business employs the best backend development talent available, the entirety of the evaluation process is handled by our technical recruiters and expert vetting team.

High English proficiency

Latin American backend developers are fluent in English and completely prepared to collaborate with North American businesses in a global setting.

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The Blue Coding Recruitment Process


Intake call

The first step of our process is to learn as much about you and your development needs as possible. During our intake call, we’ll go over every key detail necessary to recruit developers who are the right fit for your company. If needed, we are happy to adjust our standard procedures, creating a customized process to accommodate your business’ particular needs.


HR Interview with potential candidates

As the first point of contact with the candidate, our technical recruiters will participate in an hour of engaging conversation with all developers. There are three pillars to this phone interview: technical knowledge, cultural fit, and English proficiency level. Only those who meet our requirements for all three categories will continue with the process.


Live pair-programming session

The final element of our technical recruitment process is to measure the developer’s coding skills through a live assessment with a senior evaluator. We evaluate every candidate beyond technical skills, taking into consideration their problem-solving abilities, and determining whether the candidate will be able to adapt to the fast-paced environment of North American organizations.

The Best Interview Questions for Backend Developers

What is your experience with backend development?

What programming languages are you most proficient in, and what are their primary use cases?

How do you ensure the performance and scalability of the applications you develop?

How do you implement testing and debugging procedures in your development process?

How do you ensure the reliability and availability of your systems?

Hire Backend Developers with the Help of Blue Coding’s Nearshore Development Services


At Blue Coding, we work with a large, global network of programmers, including backend specialists. While we are aware of the fact that the software development market is getting more and more competitive every year, nearshoring's growth has also opened up new possibilities for employing remote IT specialists. Throughout the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Peru, and other regions, our broad network of recruiters and developers is highly active and consistently vetting the highest-level talent available. Contact us today to learn how we can help you hire backend engineers!

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