Hire the best React Native Developers in Latin America

Hire the best React Native developers in Latin America by taking advantage of cost-efficient nearshore outsourcing services


What is React Native Development?

React Native is an open-source framework developed by Meta (back then called Facebook) that enables developers to build mobile apps using JavaScript and React. It's different from other mobile app development frameworks thanks to the way it allows for the creation of truly native apps by using native components instead of web views. This approach offers several advantages over traditional mobile app development methodologies, making it a popular choice for companies looking to build one-of-a-kind applications.

The Key Benefits of React Native Development

Mobile cross-platform compatibility

One of the biggest challenges in mobile app development is ensuring that your app works seamlessly across different platforms and devices. Luckily, React Native provides a consistent experience across iOS and Android, allowing users to enjoy your mobile app regardless of their device type.

Simple data flow

React follows a unidirectional data flow, also known as one-way data binding. This approach simplifies the management of the application status, making it easier to track data changes and spot potential issues that should be debugged later.

Improved mobile performance

React Native uses native components instead of web views, which results in better app performance. Not only this, but the framework boasts a variety of features that lead to faster development cycles and a more efficient long-term development workflow.

Why Should Your Organization Hire React Native Developers?

The decision to hire React developers can provide significant advantages for your organization. With React being a powerful and popular framework for building user interfaces, hiring this type of developer ensures that you can leverage the efficiency, customizability, and flexibility it offers. Here are the key reasons to hire React native developers!


Modular development

React follows a component-based architecture, which promotes modularity and reusability, allowing developers to break down complex user interfaces into reusable components Thanks to this, React Developers are skilled in developing applications using React’s component-based architecture, developing modular and reusable code that’s easy to maintain and can save your company both time and money.


High-quality mobile apps

React Native developers have a deep understanding of the framework, enabling them to create high-quality apps that perform well across different platforms and devices. At the end of the day, this results in a better user experience for your customers and higher-quality applications.


Faster development cycles

React developers are experienced in leveraging the tech stack’s component-based features to deliver projects within a shorter time-to-market, allowing your organization to stay competitive and adapt to changing customers’ needs more efficiently.

The Advantages of Deciding to Hire React Native Developers Through Blue Coding’s Nearshore Software Development Services

Development talent that is reasonably priced

The rates to hire React Native developers in Latin America are up to 40% cheaper than in the US and Canada.

An outsourced team that shares your work dynamic

Due to their close proximity to North America, our React Native developers can work alongside your staff during normal business hours. Moreover, their corporate cultures and work ethics are virtually identical.

Hassle-free technical vetting

To guarantee that your business employs the best React Native development talent available, the entirety of the evaluation process is handled by our technical recruiters and expert vetting team.

High English proficiency

Our React Native developers from Latin America are fluent in English and completely prepared to collaborate with North American businesses in a global setting.

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The Blue Coding Recruitment Process


Intake call

The first step of our process is to learn as much about you and your development needs as possible. During our intake call, we’ll go over every key detail necessary to recruit developers who are the right fit for your company. If needed, we are happy to adjust our standard procedures, creating a customized process to accommodate your business’s particular needs.


HR Interview with potential candidates

As the first point of contact with the candidate, our technical recruiters will participate in an hour of engaging conversation with all developers. There are three pillars to this phone interview: technical knowledge, cultural fit, and English proficiency level. Only those who meet our requirements for all three categories will continue with the process.


Live pair-programming session

The final element of our technical recruitment process is to measure the developer’s coding skills through a live assessment with a senior evaluator. We evaluate every candidate beyond technical skills, taking into consideration their problem-solving abilities, and determining whether the candidate will be able to adapt to the fast-paced environment of North American organizations.

The Best Interview Questions to Hire React Native Developers

What is React and how does it differ from other JavaScript frameworks?

Explain the concept of virtual DOM and how React utilizes it for efficient rendering.

What are the key features of React? How do they contribute to building scalable and maintainable applications?

What are the differences between functional components and class components in React? When would you use each?

How does state differ from props in React? When would you use one over the other?

Hire React Native Developers with the Help of Blue Coding’s Nearshore Software Development Services


At Blue Coding, we can offer you the convenience of hiring talented React Native developers from Central and South America at a lower cost through nearshore outsourcing. Our services include IT staff augmentation and custom development, with our technical vetting team handling all the details throughout the hiring process, from interviewing to onboarding, and more. Contact us now to learn more about how you can hire React Native developers!

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