Nearshore Staff Augmentation Services

Scale your team with next-level talent you can trust.

Staff augmentation is a cost-effective and reliable way to grow your team, offering you both the power to fill positions quickly, and the freedom to adjust the size of your team as you go.

What is Staff Augmentation?

Staff augmentation allows companies of all sizes to scale software development reliably and efficiently without investing in infrastructure.

With nearshore staff augmentation services, you can work with talent from anywhere in the world without worrying about the legal, administrative, or organizational responsibilities of hiring them directly.

What Is Nearshore Staff Augmentation And How Does It Work?

IT staff augmentation consists of the strategic hiring of IT professionals from outside your organization to fill in and upgrade your development solutions, provide additional expertise and resources, access a larger and more diverse workforce, hire developers at a lower cost, or fill in temporary roles.

Through nearshore staff augmentation, your company can rapidly hire a remote team of developers from a nearby country or region for a fraction of the price of hiring in-house staff. Moreover, you can work with development talent from anywhere in the world without worrying about the legal, administrative, or organizational responsibilities of hiring them directly.

Why outsource to Latin America?

Rates tend to be lower than North America while sharing significant overlap with US and Canadian timezones, making it an attractive outsourcing location, especially for companies using methodologies like Scrum and Agile.

Latin America is the region with the second-fastest-growing software development population in the world.

Benefits of hiring nearshore developers in Latin America:

Latin America has the second-fastest-growing software development population in the world, making it the perfect location to outsource tech talent.

Lower Costs.

Nearshore staff augmentation allows you to hire LATAM developers for 30-50% less than what it costs to hire in-house developers and IT talent from North America.

Cultural affinity.

Companies prefer to hire nearshore developers in LATAM as IT experts there share many aspects of the North American corporate culture and can integrate seamlessly into an existing team.

Minimal time zone differences.

LATAM has become a nearshoring hotspot for hiring developers thanks to the minimal time zone differences with North America. The standard gap tends to only be between one to three hours, making it easy for the outsourced team to communicate and collaborate with your company.

A faster recruiting process.

Nearshore staff augmentation with Blue coding means we outsource the developers for you. This means our hr team handles the entire IT recruiting and technical vetting process and only asks for your help in making the final hiring decisions. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of our recruiters, we can help you hire nearshore developers in a matter of days.

Larger talent pool.

As Latin America is such a large location filled with multiple IT-oriented countries that host thousands of qualified nearshore developers, the talent pool for those hiring from this region immediately becomes larger. Whether you want to hire developers in Mexico, Argentina, or any other LATAM country, there will be plenty of experts ready to deploy.

Diverse skill sets.

One of the key advantages of hiring nearshore developers in Latin America is the expansive and diverse pool of professionals boasting expertise in various technologies and domains. This rich talent landscape enables businesses to tap into a wide array of specialized skills tailored to the unique requirements of their projects. `

Who is nearshore staff augmentation for?


Startups operating in competitive markets losing talent to larger and more established brands.


Startups looking to hire software engineers without an internal recruitment team.


Companies operating in secondary or tertiary cities having trouble hiring good developers due to a shortage of local talent.


Companies already outsourcing part of their software development projects but looking to gain more insight and control.

The Blue Coding seal of expertise

Our IT-trained and bilingual recruitment team ensures a smooth and quick technical vetting process. We ensure you hire the right candidate for your company!

Why our clients choose to work with us to hire nearshore developers:


IT recruiters with years of experience hiring developers in LATAM and a network of trustworthy candidates. They ensure to land the candidate after deciding to make them an offer.


A fully customizable, highly technical hiring process that evaluates the candidate’s soft skills, technical expertise, and cultural aptitude for the role.


We offer a true client-agency partnership, providing ongoing support throughout the duration of the contract. Our team is always available to help with any issues or needs that may arise and adapt to how much you need our presence.

How it works

Discuss your project

We identify what you are looking for in a software developer, designer, or project manager, and what skills and qualities are important for your project. Based on these conversations, we create a profile of the different roles you need to fill.

Identify the right candidates

After our discovery process, we begin identifying candidates that are a good fit. We search our extensive database, finding developers with a track record of success on similar projects. All of our developers go through a thorough vetting process to ensure they’re a flawless fit for your project.

Meet your new developers

When we’ve identified the right team members, we present you with profiles that include a brief on their work, previous projects, and their development experience. Next, we arrange an introductory call so that you can meet your new team members.

Start working

Once we've assembled the right team, we simply need to set a start date. We provide the support you need to ensure a successful working relationship. We'll check in regularly with you to make sure things are going smoothly, but will allow you to lead your project and have full control.

Our tried and tested technical hiring process:


Intake call with our client:

The first step of our process is to learn as much about you and your development needs as possible.
During our intake call, we’ll go over every key detail necessary to recruit developers who are the right for your company. This is where you can tell us how you want to customize our standard procedures - if needed.


HR Interview with potential candidates:

As the first point of contact with the candidate, our technical recruiters will participate in an hour of engaging conversation with all developers.
There are three pillars to this phone interview: technical knowledge, cultural fit, and English proficiency level. Only those who meet the requirements for all three categories will continue with the process.


Live pair-programming session:

The final element of our technical recruitment process is to measure the developer’s coding skills through a live assessment with a senior evaluator.
We evaluate every candidate beyond technical skills, taking into consideration their problem-solving abilities, and determining whether the candidate will be able to adapt to the fast-paced environment of North American organizations.

In good company

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What our
clients say

We help storefronts and online stores improve their customer experience Blue Coding has successfully found the perfect candidates, meeting the needs and requirements of the internal team. Their effective and efficient recruiting process is critical to the project's success. The team's in-depth understanding of the project and accuracy have stood out in the partnership.

Andrew Le

CEO of Cleverific

Blue Coding has been able to find the perfect candidates, leaving their client happy. Their effective and efficient process is noteworthy. The team communicates using Zoom and email and seamlessly adapts to each project stage. Customers can expect a partner that will fulfill their unique needs.

Charles Palleschi

Founder & President of Spark Shipping

The custom development team has been a great partner in both site maintenance and building out new features and functionalities on our Spree website for the past 2+ years. We value their knowledge around the Spree platform and solutions-oriented approach. They have always been reliable, communicative, and highly responsive when we needed them most.

Ashley Kalvin

VP of Marketing and eCommerce at Jenni Kayne