Hire the best Ruby Developers in Latin America

Hire the best Ruby developers in Latin America by taking advantage of our cost-efficient nearshore software development services


What is Ruby Development?

Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented programming language popular among software developers and companies alike because of its simplicity and readability. Both Ruby and its framework, Ruby on Rails, are used for the development of web applications. The Rails framework is also an essential part of the Ruby development method as it provides ready software solutions for modules that tend to repeat themselves. Ruby is most commonly used in Agile software development and custom software development projects.

The Key Benefits of Ruby Development

Performance and versatility

While it might not be the fastest language out there, Ruby offers a solid deal when it comes to both application performance and design versatility. This language is well-suited for a wide range of projects, from small scripts to large-scale web applications.

Enables rapid idea development

Ruby is an excellent choice for rapid prototyping and creating minimum viable products thanks to the way it enables developers to quickly build and test new ideas. The language also encourages test-driven development, which can help to ensure long-term code quality and easier maintainability.

Easy to scale

Ruby's flexibility and object-oriented nature make it suitable for building scalable and seamlessly maintainable applications. Ruby makes it easy to design code that is modular, easy to extend, and adaptable to applications growing and evolving over time.

Why Should Your Organization Hire Ruby Developers?

The decision to hire Ruby developers provides your organization with specialized expertise in a clean and readable programming language, along with the benefits of the Ruby on Rails framework. Here are the key reasons why you should hire Ruby developers right away!


Increased developer productivity and shorter project timelines

Thanks to Ruby's focus on developer productivity and its large ecosystem of libraries and accompanying frameworks, your development team can quickly iterate on ideas and bring your product to market faster than with other tech stacks.


Expertise in Agile development best practices

Ruby is well-suited for Agile development methodologies, emphasizing iterative development, collaboration, and adaptability. This means that when you hire Ruby developers, you’ll also get an IT professional with extensive experience in Agile best practices.


Code quality testing assured

Ruby has a strong culture of testing, and several testing frameworks like RSpec and MiniTest are often used in the Ruby ecosystem. Hiring Ruby developers ensures that you have professionals experienced in code testing, promoting code quality, and reducing the risk of bugs and regressions.

The Advantages of Deciding To Hire Ruby Developers Through Blue Coding’s Nearshore Staff Augmentation Services

Development talent that is reasonably priced

The rates to hire Ruby developers in Latin America are up to 40% cheaper than in the US and Canada.

An outsourced team that shares your work dynamic

Due to their close proximity to North America, our Ruby developers can work alongside your staff during normal business hours. Moreover, their corporate cultures and work ethics are virtually identical.

Hassle-free technical vetting

To guarantee that your organization employs the best Ruby development talent available, the majority of the IT hiring process is handled by our technical recruiters. Every step of the way, including the interview and training, is dealt with by our expert vetting team.

High English proficiency

Our Ruby developers from Latin America are fluent in English and completely prepared to collaborate with North American businesses in a global setting.

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The Blue Coding Recruitment Process


Initial strategy call

The first step of our process is to learn as much about you and your development needs as possible. During our intake call, we’ll go over every key detail necessary to recruit developers who are the right for your company. This is where you can tell us how you want to customize our standard procedures - if needed.


HR Interview with potential candidates

As the first point of contact with the candidate, our technical recruiters will participate in an hour of engaging conversation with all developers. There are three pillars to this phone interview: technical knowledge, cultural fit, and English proficiency level. Only those who meet the requirements for all three categories will continue with the process.


Live pair-programming session

The final element of our technical recruitment process is to measure the developer’s coding skills through a live assessment with a senior evaluator. We evaluate every candidate beyond technical skills, with critical consideration to whether or not the candidate will be able to adapt to the high-paced environment of North American organizations.

The Best Interview Questions to Hire Ruby Developers

What is your experience with Ruby?

What challenges have you faced while working with Ruby on Rails?

What features have you implemented in Ruby?

What do you think makes Ruby different from other programming languages?

How do you stay up to date with the latest developments in Ruby?

Do you have any experience with other web development frameworks?

Hire Ruby Developers With The Help of Blue Coding’s Nearshore Software Development Services


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