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11 Oct 2023

What Is The Tech Diversity Gap?

Considering that only 22% of the tech workforce comes from a minority background, it’s clear that the tech diversity gap is still a long way from being sealed. Now, this isn’t exactly news, as the IT industry has traditionally been male-dominated as well as underrepresented when it comes to people of color. This is what we call the Tech Diversity Gap. Understanding the tech diversity gap is in everyone’s best interest as it's a crucial issue that affects not only the tech industry but also society at large. That’s why today’s blog will cover the definition, impact, root causes, and steps to take toward closing this gap. 

What Is the Tech Diversity Gap?

First, what exactly is the tech diversity gap? The term refers to the underrepresentation of certain groups, including but not limited to women, people of color, and individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, in the technology sector. Despite years of efforts to close this gap, statistics still reveal a very uneven picture. For instance, according to the US’s National Center for Women & Information Technology, women make up just 26% of the tech workforce. Additionally, people of color are significantly underrepresented in tech positions, with only about 22% of them taking IT industry roles. 

Why the Tech Diversity Gap Still Matters in 2023

Beyond ensuring opportunities for the widest range of people, diversity is crucial in tech as it brings a myriad of perspectives that can lead to innovative solutions and products. IT professionals from different backgrounds can better understand and cater to a more diverse customer base as well as bring new initiatives to the table. Moreover, diversity fosters a culture of inclusivity and respect, which can boost employee morale and productivity.

Contrary to the innovation and creativity fostered by a diverse team, allowing the tech diversity gap to continue risks creating echo chambers where ideas aren't challenged and creativity is stifled. Hence, it's clear that addressing the tech diversity gap isn't just an ethical or moral obligation, it's also a solid business strategy to include more women in tech and people of color in your projects.

The Root Causes of the Tech Diversity Gap

The lack of diversity in tech is linked to bigger, systemic issues. In this case, education and recruitment practices play a significant role. For instance, underrepresented groups may not have access to quality STEM education or may face biases during recruitment. Another major issue is unconscious hiring biases. These are subtle prejudices we hold without realizing - like assuming someone wouldn't be interested in a tech role because of their gender or ethnicity - which can influence hiring and promotion decisions. 

How to Address the Tech Diversity Gap

Addressing the tech diversity gap requires conscious efforts. Inclusive hiring practices and inclusivity-driven corporate initiatives can help to tackle this issue. This includes ensuring job descriptions are gender-neutral and using structured interviews that eliminate subjective biases. Another crucial step to take towards a more diverse IT industry is dedicating enough time to inclusive mentorship and support for underrepresented groups. Providing diverse role models and learning resources can help these individuals thrive in tech roles and access opportunities they otherwise would’ve struggled to find. 

Practical Steps to Take to Close the Tech Diversity Gap

If we all become more mindful of the diversity tech gap and take a few necessary steps, we can play a pivotal role in mitigating the issue. Here are some actionable steps to get started with:

Make job descriptions and work/career postings more inclusive: 

Use neutral language and avoid elements that may deter applicants from underrepresented groups. Encourage potential candidates from diverse backgrounds to apply. Likewise, if you don’t control job postings, ensure any work-related content you post on social media channels is inclusive and advocates for a more diverse community. 

Diversity training: 

If you’re an employer, it’s best to train your hiring staff with the knowledge and skills to recognize and eliminate all possible biases that affect recruitment decisions. On the other hand, as a member of the IT community, you can also seek out various resources to educate yourself on the many invisible biases towards diversity.  

Promote mentorship programs and peer activities: 

If you’re a manager or employer, you can encourage senior employees to mentor underrepresented staff members, fostering their growth and continuous development. Otherwise, you can find younger and less represented people within your local tech community and offer your support, or even volunteer for a cause that advocates for IT diversity. 

How Nearshore Software Development Contributes to a More Diverse IT Industry

When you hire nearshore software developers - meaning IT professionals from nearby countries with minimal time zone barriers - your company immediately gains a greater diversity. This is thanks to the way most North American organizations hire LATAM developers when they decide to start nearshoring, as this region is the best option available in terms of costs, talent pool availability, English proficiency skills, and time zone differences. Hiring from such a diverse group of IT professionals helps you not only save money on development costs but also experience the benefits of working with uniquely-minded people from different backgrounds who can bring fresh ideas to the table. 

Get Involved in Closing the Tech Diversity Gap with Blue Coding

Addressing the tech diversity gap is crucial for both ethical and business reasons. As members of the IT community, we share a collective responsibility to take proactive steps to promote diversity in our tech teams and contribute to a more inclusive work environment. Remember it’s all about creating a community where everyone feels valued and has the opportunity to excel. This can be achieved if we work to close the tech diversity gap and foster a more inclusive and innovative tech industry. 

At Blue Coding, as a nearshore software development company, we offer nearshoring services to help you hire LATAM developers who are the right fit for your projects. Our own team members come from all over, from Argentina to Mexico, and each has a unique background and skills to contribute to the conversation. If you’re interested in diversifying your software development team and want to hire LATAM developers, we can help you achieve this. Through our technical hiring process, our recruitment professionals will find, vet, interview, and help you select the right nearshore developers for your company so you can start nearshoring today. Contact us to schedule a free discovery call and learn more about our IT staff augmentation services! 

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